Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

We’ve been doing a lot of swimming. Nelly just jumps in and goes under water. Scotts is still getting her feet wet. I have the boys each swim
Two laps before they play around to make sure they swim. I have begun to start teaching them strokes. And now everyone is competent enough that I can take them all and bring friends. Happy day.

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Nelly is such a problem solver. There are horses named Scotty and Teddy at the barn and Nelly wants one with her name and realizing that there wasn’t said “I will call Chumley “Nelly.”

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Emily Weisswasser, we love you.


Sunday, June 15th, 2014


Sunday, June 15th, 2014


Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Today was lovely. Great weather. Two soccer games. Barquitos birthday party, bike rides with each kid, and Schwenindgers, Wilsuens, some Wolins and Morrises over to watch the World Cup.





Sunday, June 15th, 2014

The children are so insanely beautiful to me that I find myself always telling them this but I don’t want them
To think it’s all about looks so I’ve begun asking-right after I tell them how adorable or gorgeous they are-“what are you thinking in your smart mind?” Today Nelly answered “About being a princess.” Teddy said “Going fast” (we were on a bike).

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Dog in a bee costume compliments of the ladies


Sunday, June 15th, 2014

We are so sad that Diana is leaving because we love her-she is so sweet, and helpful, and hard working and loving and respectful. Ali, our new Au pair, is already here and we are very happy with her. She is cheerful and playful and helpful.

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

The Horace Mann Summer Bash was supposed to be Monday but because of a forecast for rain they postponed it.
Teddy “I’m so sad. The kids will be so sad.”
So I explained how we can be disappointed when something is canceled but we can make another kind of fun.
The bash was soo sweet and so much fun. Teddy and I helped set up which was great (despite Teddy trying to get into each moon bounce as they inflated it. The kids for to run around with lots of freedom which was so nice. They made spin art and sand art and got tattoos and Charlie scores in the dunk tank knocked Ms Boucher in. They ate cupcakes and cotton candy and ice cream and were so happy. We left tired and joyful. It couldn’t have been better.






