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Monday, November 24th, 2014

I know there is a fine line between telling your real thoughts and feelings and seeing so sappy and overly earnest. Maybe I need to become a better writer to get my point across. I want my children to read this blog-do you hear that, children?- so that they can learn lessons and know my thoughts since I might forget to tell them in person or they might not want to listen to me yammering on. This blog is really stream of consciousness and I’m torn between getting the information down and actually making it sound good and illustrate my tone….hmm…

Monday, November 24th, 2014

Today we had a shower for Jeannie. I loved having all my cousins and aunts here. It was so warm. I love my cousins and aunts so so so much. They have had such great influence on me and I’m so grateful for the love and friendship. And it’s nice to see their style, their attention to cute kids and dogs (my kids, like me, cannot get enough Aunt Bridget), their humor, love….it’s cute to see how much I’ve gotten from being around them.

Teddy was crying today (right after I took him to Target at his request to buy Pokemon with his allowance):
ALB “What’s wrong my love?”
Teddy “[sniffle] I feel like a rotten egg.”
ALB “Oh my love, why?”
Teddy “Because I like Teo and I’m not with him and Charlie.”
My heart broke. I spend so much time thinking about Teddy’s desires and what makes him happy and sad- I mean I do it for all-but right now Teddy is going through a touchy period. I wish I could make him happy. He is very good at reasoning and having a direct conversation so I spoke to him about it tonight and explained that even if he has to do some things he doesn’t want to do (brush his teeth etc) the day can still be a good day and he can be happy. He got it he said.

The girls asked me to take a bath with them so we had a relaxing warm bath together. They use so much soap.

We all collected sticks from the woods and used gold wire to make
Them into mobiles. We took on rover to baby Birdie tonight which was fun.

The children made their holiday lists today and we made lists of what we will buy for others. Teddy wants to get Carol books and MJ some soccer things. Scottie and Nelly want to get me princess dresses for mommies. Charlie wants to get his teachers chocolate (•”Not the kind for kids but the kind for grow ups”)

We had a nice lunch at Lowell.

Now snuggling into bed listening to the rain outside… Such coziness and bliss fullness….

Monday, November 24th, 2014

I think that what you wear is really important. I know that it’s what’s inside that matters and you certainly
Shouldn’t think your clothes define you, but taking the time to be thoughtful about your clothes and personal style is 1. A great way to express yourself 2. An opportunity for immense creativity 3. A way to show respect to yourself and those around you. It is highly rewarding and important even to dress well and thoughtfully.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

As silly or sappy as this may seem, we have written a mission statement for our family, outlining what we believe in, what is important to us, and what we hope our children will learn and gather from us. Our hope is this will be a touchstone from which all of us can find guidance in our lives.

“Our Berman family believes in a life of kindness, adventure, humor, beauty, and love, thoughtfully and responsibly lived. We aim to try everything that could be good and rewarding for us, do all we do with pride, enjoy each day, respect ourselves and others, be proud of what we do and make, add beauty to the world through the thoughtful and charming way we attend to tasks and life. We speak our mind and speak up for what we want in an always polite voice. We laugh a lot and like to act silly. If  we make a mistake, we move on and try again. We catch bees with honey. We practice for the things we want to be good at and enjoy doing it. We are honest, respectful and fun loving. No problem is too great. We learn as much as we can. We are humble and inclusive. We know that with humor and dignity and thoughtfulness you can have a great Life. We enjoy observing the world around us and being part of it. We encourage others. We are generous of spirit, cherish ourselves and our family, and friends, and are curious about their lives. If there is an opportunity to try something that would expand our minds, abilities, or life in a positive way, we take it. We are grateful and appreciative for what we have. We take on the world with assuredness and contentment, knowing that we are loved by each other. “

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

I would really like to rent a chicken coop like margaret R has. MJ thinks we need to take a break from bringing more animals into the house, but I tell him, “Ricky, the more the merrier.”

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Going to Kripalu in January. Maybe I can also go to MassMoca. Maybe I will experience peace and enlightenment. Maybe I will find the earnestness amusing. Maybe I will feel refreshed and love the winter air. Maybe I will feel strong and content.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Oh! I forgot to say We just watched the Whistler documentary Colin researched and associate produced. It was excellent (even with the dramatic reenactments) and so exciting to see him in the credits. Colin is worried MJ will go on and on about his Ruskin trial
Conspiracy theories and MJ is concerned that there isn’t enough information about Whistler’s later life readily available.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

I want to have a book and film club with Colin. Just us going back and forth about the things we really are into. He invited me to an Alexandre Tharaud concert at Carnegie Hall in a few weeks. I cannot wait.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

I hope the children learn from my entertaining all the time the joys of being able to provide warmth and hospitality to peoples, to show friendship by having friends to your house, making people feel good to be included in your life at home, and having your house filled with laughter, creativity, ideas, fun. I don’t think a day goes by that we don’t have at least a few friend come play, stop by to say hi, or have a gathering. I love it and I love watching the children (and even peanut) be bolstered by the camaraderie.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Everyday I try to install a sense of wonder, love, joy and interest in what is going on around them and to teach them to enjoy and find moments to love in their day to day lives and in “small” things (I often find the overuse of this phrase slightly…I don’t want to be negative…just overused). Anyway, I love a the bits of my days-today I loved hugging Teddy in the morning, teaching Charlie’s class Roots Of Empathy, watching the girls dance and Liang during ballet class, the rain, sitting with Jenny and a friend talking about a friends pastry business, seeing MJ, taking Charlie to guitar and hearing him play a song with Alvaro and Cacilda, watching him sit down and write thank you notes, visiting Teddu in his class, taking and Über with the girls, the weight of the girls sitting on my lap as I dress them, and now the dogs laying around me and MJ next to me. Each day is such a wonderful day and I love that feeling.