Such a fun weekend with swimming, horseback riding , pony rides, biking, dinner out, Dr Croog and her family for brunch testers a and the Toomeys for dinner and some soccer last night. The best part was laying around in the grass at BK today and lounging in a tree while the kids climbed around it. I did a flip over a branch so they could see how. It was totally blissful. Scottie started screaming and having a meltdown followed by Nelly but it was fortunate because I was really about to feel proud about being being able to be totally peaceful and “zen” about it and actually breathe through it and gain a sense of accomplishment for calming them. Bob has taught me so well. At one point Teddy was sticking sunglasses in my nose, Charlie was crushing a berry on my arm, and both girls were hanging on me crying. I just breathed, focused on trying to get them to breathe, feel their weight on me and just be. It was so nice to be able to do this. I ended up walking through the park to our house, carrying Scottie and Huck and breathing deeply so Scottie could feel the pattern and start breathing to calm herself. It worked. She quietly got out of my arms , took my hand, shared holding the leash with me and walked home peacefully smelling roses along the way. Blissful.

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