Archive for April, 2014

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

I have Charlie money to take to his school’s bake sale today.
ALB “Do you know what a bake sale is?”
Charlie “No. Oh wait! Yes! It’s where you give money and get cookies.”
He is as sweet as his own bake sale. Like that turn of phrase?

Speaking of which last night while
I was laying in bed with the flu and trying to help C practice his guitar he told me he had watched the movie Atlantis.
ALB “Was it scary?”
Charlie “It’s too good to be scary.”
ALB “I like your turn of phrase there.”
Charlie beaming “Let’s write a non-fiction phrase book together. I will make up phrases and write them down and you will write down the phrases you know.”
Hopefully we will begin today.

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Teddy never has shoes and socks on. He is forever running around outside with bare feet. I would worry but he seems pleased with it.

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Charis is so sweet and checks on and had Scottie and Nelly over for a play date and dinner with Liv. They had so much fun and brought lollipops as a hostess gift.

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Yesterday got to teach two really great Roots of Empathy class and play with kids at playground but also chemo and got a virus with fever so by the end of the day was physically and emotionally not well. I felt so sick and was so despondent and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t strong enough to sail over these feelings. But really experiencing the discomfort in life is part of life and makes you understand comfort. Anyway still unpleasant. I was in tears but emailed my loving friends asking them for help and they all responded and made me feel so much better and supported. Amazing what asking for help can do. Marisa went to the store and brought me food I needed and Jenny M, Catherine, Lely, Sarah, Nicole, Rachel, Kate, Alex L, Johanna, Margaret, Becky, Maryann and Elena all made me feel better. Such amazing friends. I’m so grateful for them and all my others.

By the time I fell asleep, after texting with Cols and watching Alan Partridge and Simon Shama’s show on Jews, I felt a lot better.

Today I just rested with the kids, watched dog videos on YouTube and emailed a bunch of the DC Council Members about the proposal to change school assignment procedures. Diana and Apple helped. And Aimee and Carolyn (Butler) sent flowers. They have no idea how much that cheered me up. I also had a long talk with my acupuncturist/ wellness guru, Bob Duggan, who really helped. He reminded me that I can be nervous and anxious but still peaceful and that I will be fine and will live a good life. I can do less and work towards a peaceful, stress free life. Even typing that makes it seem more attainable and things less scary.

Back to snuggling Teddy and petting Huck. I’m inspired to teach her tricks after watching all those dog videos. If I had to choose a new career I think I would like to work with dog and horses if not kids.


Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Teddy “All I have is a stuffed dog and I’ve been hoping for a real black puppy for me.”


Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

I was feeling so bad last night but my heart was so warmed and I felt so much better my all my littles who came to kiss me goodnight and Charlie would brought me a Lego eagle-dog. He had made it last week and I really admired it and he remembered and brought it. “You can keep it as long as you want. ”
His thoughtfulness makes me so so proud and so so happy.


Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Mitzi took me for the most relaxing weekend at Salamander Resort in Middleburg. It was beyond lovely. We had lunch, went to the spa for massages and manis/pedis, read, lounged, had dinner and I got to spend time with my new best friends Whiskey the horse and Pumpkin the cat-both so sweet. I talked a lot with Sheryl who runs the equestrian center about the healing power of horses and her own time working with horses while she went through chemo and radiation. It was really inspiring and Confirmed the feelings of peace, wellness and happiness I feel when I’m in the barn or riding. I’m so grateful to Michele for such an amazing weekend. She told Sheila Johnson how much we loved our time there but I need to send her a note and Mitzi her gift. y

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Kale shake.


Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

While Teddy was having a special day and sleepover with Mitzi and Grandpa, Charlie went to play at Alvaro’s with Teo and Alvaro’s and Teo’s sisters came for a play date with Scottie and Nelly. Their first big girl play date with big girls. They wore costumes, had lunch, painted nails, made rainbow loom bracelets, and held a dog wedding.




Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Charlie scored an amazing nine goals. MJs first game coaching the Tigers. He is so good with the kids and so patient.



