Sunday, June 30th, 2013
Believe you can and you’re half the way there. I hope these littles grasp this.
Believe you can and you’re half the way there. I hope these littles grasp this.
This morning Scottie and Nell filmed a PSA for the DC Public Library encouraging parents to read and talk to their children. Rachel needed some twins for the shoot and of course we did it because projects with her, especially shoots, are so much fun (the last PSA I did with Rachel was for Nader. Maybe he needs twins for something).
It was so much fun and went so smoothly thanks to Rachel and Dayani and Christoph and Brendan who were filming. Brendan also has four kids and we were saying if you give into chaos everything goes well. If you have no expectations of perfection and precision it is beautiful and utterly perfect. As he said, life is not supposed to looks like a Crate and Barrel Catalog.
On my morning run I keep running from one magnolia tree to the next smelling the blossoms. One I stopped at to smell
Blossoms last summer on my way to Georgetown for appointments. Strength through the aesthetic side of nature. The other morning I stopped, sniffed a blossom and said “It smells so beautiful” to my running partner, Huck. The couple next to us laughed at me. They obviously don’t know the joy of smelling trees with ones dog.
I can’t get enough of Scottie wagging her finger, sort of like a pope giving a blessing, saying “No no.”
MJ was down by the river with the girls the other day. A family sat next to them
And started to arrange a picnic/party for their daughter. Before MJ even said anything Scottie started saying quietly to herself “No no touch. No touch it.” What self control. So proud.
Make way for ducklings is what I say as we walk anywhere together. It really is like having lots of little ducks.
We are nearing biking competence. Charlie is almost there. Everyone else just likes to wear helmets. A lot. I can’t wait until I can bike with each child.
Perfect day: bike riding, kayaking, horseback riding, swimming, museum visit, seeing a concert and then an art project together.
My acupuncturists and guru I will call him, keeps me on track to love peacefully and happily. He always reminds me to just love being. And I do. Today’s appointment was so relaxing. I wish everyone could do this. My goal is to pass on all I learn to my children and friends. Just be peaceful and you will be happy.