Charlie and Teddy started school this week. Both at NCRC! Hooray! This is Charlie’s third and last year. It makes me so sad to think it’s his last year there. Every year he happily starts school. There was a little holding on to my leg on the first day. And since it is all day the children take a nap and are told they can bring a stuffed animal with them. Charlie decided to bring a stuffed giraffe but on the way in said “You carry it,” obviously self conscious at the idea of bringing a stuffed animal. When we entered the room he out of the corner of his mouth “Ah, you can take that home with you.” So grown up.
Teddy walked into his Beehive room for the first time (his teachers are amazing) saw that there were some toy bees to play with on a light table and said a quick “Bye” to me as he walked off. When I picked him up the teacher said he had done some pushing that day. Just what I want to hear. I told them I would talk to him and to keep me posted. On the way home we had the following conversation:
ALB:” Teddy, you can’t push anyone at school. Pushing is never allowed.”
T:” Ok, hitting then.”
ALB: “No, Teddy. No hitting either.”
T: “Ok, then kicking.”
ALB:” No, Teddy, you can hurt anyone. You must be nice and gentle to everyone.”
T: “Ok.”
Apparently it worked. That and my [bribing] ticket system where if the boys are nice to everyone, don’t scream, put away their school bags, clean up toys, eat dinner without complaining about the food, and try new things they get a ticket and once they have enough tickets they can watch a couple minutes of sports videos on youtube.