Friday, May 4th, 2012
Charlie likes to pretend he is going to bite me or one the babies but then gives us a kiss instead. So cute.
Charlie likes to pretend he is going to bite me or one the babies but then gives us a kiss instead. So cute.
I think Scottie and Nell are begining to associate “Dada” with MJ and “mama” with me. They both know their own names.
Scottie loves loves loves shaking her head no. She also loves waking Nell up. I watch her poke through the crib to wake up Nell who is only too happy to get up and play. Then they stand
Up and cruise along the side of the crib looking at one another and playing with one another’s hands. I’m sure they will learn to climb into the others crib before long.
Teddy loves his new Star Wars Lego underware so much that he wants to have a second pair in his hands to sleep with. “need a pair to hold”. He also has started wearing a pair over his pull up to bed.
Charlie is on the train to NY with MJ for Hannah’s bat mitzvah. When I told him yesterday that he couldn’t go to soccer class today because he would be going on a trip, Teddy piped up “I want to go to Marthas Vineyard!”
We are on day 4 of potty training. I have kept Teddy home from Blue Igloo so I can work on this with him. We read all morning and use the potty. He is doing pretty well. I got him Star wars Lego under ware. He wears one pair and carries one around with him. He gets M&Ms each time he goes to the potty. I know I shouldn’t bribe him but it is the only thing that is working. He requests “Two blues, two greens” each time. I have been telling him how proud I am of him. Yesterday he said “Mommy I proud you use the potty.”
Teddy has also impressed me with his vocabulary. We were reading a book about knights this morning and he pointed out that one was “injured.”
We started a kindness jar in which we put a coin every time we see someone doing something kind to others (helping set the table, clean up the pillows, refraining from kicking a babysitter, not pinching a brother). Charlie is really good at it and does lots of helpful things, like setting the table. Teddy even clears his plate from the dinner table.
I taught the girls to wave (probably by manically waving at them all day long). Yesterday Nelly waved at me and said “haaa” for “hi”. Scottie shakes her head “no” all the time now no matter why you ask her. Marilyn went in today to get her up from her nap and said “You didn’t sleep at all, did you?” to which Scottie replied “No” with a head shake. We knew this because we watched them not sleep and play for two hours on the monitor. I looooove watching them on the monitor.