Archive for April, 2012

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

The baby girls like to stand in the crib while I sit on the floor reading them books. I like to hold them in my lap, but their arms get all tangled because they push and grab each other and each try to take the book. They are especially fond of That’s Not My Snowman and That’s Not My Train books.

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Charlie kisses everyone in the family and tells them he loves them. It is unbelievable how loving he is. What more could a mother want?

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Teddy was a the breakfast table and was wearing his new spring pajamas and stood up on his chair, threw his arms in the air and said “Spring pajamas!”

I said “I know, spring is here, look at the little green leaves coming out on the trees,” and he said “Look at the flowers on that [Dogwood] tree. For your wedding!!” He thinks all flowers are for my wedding. What could be sweeter?

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Scottie tries to repeat whatever we say or sounds we make with our mouths. And she will initiate it. If she wants me to make raspberries with my mout hshe will do it first to get me going. LAst night she wanted me to blow on her hair so she pushed her head to my mouth and made blowing sounds. She also loves it when I say “zip zip zip” about my zipper, the tag on which she also loves. I was saying “zip zip zip” to her and she said “Dddzzip” So well spoken.

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Charlie just saw a hospital wrist band on me and said “Why do you have that? You might have just gotten a baby.” Obviously the arrival of new babies is so not a big deal to Charlie.