The other night Nelly was standing in her crib and I had just brought Scottie in from the bath and she was laying on the changing table. Nelly curled her tongue up over her lip and made a missing sound. Scottie looked right over and started doing the same thing back and they kept going on and on and wouldn’t take their eyes off each other. They thought they were being so funny. I loved that they have each other as friends. It was so cute. (photo 1=Nelly with her first flower arrangements; 2=Scottie on left, Nelly on right; 3=Nelly on left, Scottie on right *this is my favorite picture of them; 4=Scottie; 5=Scottie with Cols; 6=Nelly with me; 7=Scottie smelling gardenias at Dumbarton Oaks; 8=Nelly doing the same)

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