Wednesday, March 30th, 2011
On the swing yesterday Teddy said “Higher higher!”
Teddy and Charlie loved being in NY last week–in particular the armor exhibit and the Greek and Roman statues at the Met and the dinosaur bones at Natural History. C also liked restaurants and seeing Elmo on the street and guys playing buckets.
Charlie likes ti list all his friends and say he is going to have them come to his house. Teddy likes to hug Charlie’s friends, especially Griffin.
Charlie asked the other morning “What you dream about mommy?” Something he asks every few weeks.
Teddy and Charlie started sharing a room two nights ago. So far so good though they both seem tired. I hope Teddy’s loud sleeping doesn’t keep Charlie awake.
Teddy has started saying so many words and sings too.
Charlie is extremely observant and attentive to everything going on around him and picks up on a lot more of what I say than I think. Yesterday I was talking to a friend in the park and she asked what kind of new stroller I was going to get and I said would probably use two Bjorns and the stroller I have and Charlie who had been swinging and talking to a friend added “Mommy you can wear one Bjorn and Daddy wears one Bjorn and Teddy and I can go in the stroller and Siri comes and we can all go together.”
Whenever someone says something like “When I was in Paris/high school/summer camp/my old office…” Charlie pipes in with “When I was in college I played basketball and jumped to make big shots and won the championship,” or something along those lines. Tonight MJ asked him if he was going to have a mini fridge in his room at college and he said “One all the way to the ceiling with juice and milk and strawberries but not everything,” meaning not the other healthy food I buy like cheese and eggs.
I put a picture that Charlie had sorta made two weeks ago (he half-heartedly put a googely eye on a page someone else painted) in the recycling bin. He saw it pulled it out and said “Uh oh! This picture was in the recylcing. That is not good because it would get taken outside and then the trash men would come and pick it up and take it away and I would be sad and would have to cry.” So I said “Ok” and hung it on the kitchen wall.