Archive for February, 2011

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Last weekend we took Charlie ice skating. I was going around the rink holding his hands (he was doing a very good job of learning). Teddy was hysterical about not getting to skate so MJ just took him out on the ice in his sneakers he held his two little hands and skated him around the rink over and over. I’m shocked they didn’t get kicked off the ice. Teddy had never been so excited in his life. I wish they made skates for one year olds.

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Last weekend we took Charlie ice skating. I was going around the rink holding his hands (he was doing a very good job of learning). Teddy was hysterical about not getting to skate so MJ just took him out on the ice in his sneakers he held his two little hands and skated him around the rink over and over. I’m shocked they didn’t get kicked off the ice. Teddy had never been so excited in his life. I wish they made skates for one year olds.

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Charlie, ever observant, heard people talking to me about twins and asked “Are more babies coming?” So I said yes, two, but not for a long time. First he asked me if they were going to be brothers of the twins Jacob and Oliver. I said no, they would be brothers or sisters or his. Then he asked “Why do you want more babies?” Then the other day he said “I’m gong to be nice to the babies in your tummy. I want to kiss them. I won’t bang them.”

He also said “We’ll call them ‘sugar babies’. That’s a nice name.”

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Charlie has asked me almost every day for the past week “What number am I turning on my next birthday?”

He also talks all the time about his “college friends” and how they play basketball, soccer, and football. I asked him who is college friends are and he said “John Wygman, Bosche,” and some other name I couldn’t quiet get. Where did he come up with these names?
We also have a former college basketball player as a babysitter right now. The first day he came, Charlie immediately said to him ” I have college friends.” Then, “Why aren’t you wearing a uniform?”

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Teddy can say:

Please (“pssss”)
Show/Seasame Street “shshshhs”)
Bottle “Baaabaa”
Cat (“gat”)
T loves books more than anyone I have ever seen. He is always sneaking off into Charlie’s room to look at his books. Anytime he can get his hand on a book he does. And he really likes long stories like Madeline.

Monday, February 7th, 2011

The snow this winter has not been that great–not as much fun as last year. But Charlie picked icicles off the railings…Teddy helped him shovel.

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Anytime you say “Who wants to…?” Teddy yells outs “Me!!!” It is the cutest “me” I have ever heard. And he is so enthusiastic about doing whatever it is you are asking about.

Monday, February 7th, 2011

a day late but…

T=18 months, very cute
C=39 months, also very cute