Archive for September, 2010
Sunday, September 26th, 2010
On labor day when MJ and I went to Charlottesville, it was the first time I had been away from the boys for two days and the first time I had been away with MJ alone in 3 years. Wow. It was really relaxing. We stayed at Keswick Hall, did a wine tasting, swam before dinner, had a leisurely dinner, went on a bike ride, wandered around Monticello, wistfully watched college kids tailgate, and enjoyed gorgeous outdoorness. Tomorrow I’m going to NY to interview Kehinde Wiley and I don’t know what I will do without T&C&MJ.
Sunday, September 26th, 2010
Both boys need a haircut. Maybe by the coincidently named Teddy Charles, “hair shape expert.” Hmm…
Sunday, September 26th, 2010
It is really sweet how T&C have their own relationship with one another and really get each other laughing. I love it. And it is fun to spend one one time too of course. I love them. Really, there is nothing better in the world. Even when I’m frustrated with them or tired, I am astonished by the endless amount of love for them.