Archive for July, 2010

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

On the way to see a children’s performance this morning Charlie crashed into the lamp post out front so we ended up at the doctor instead. He was sad but is fine and was pacified by a treat of vanilla milk.

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Teddy as trying to crawl across the living room but was crying because Charlie was holding onto his legs. I told Charlie to stop and asked what he was doing and he said “Teddy sleigh.”

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Charlie pointed out today that like Huck he had some fur on his arms. “Have fur on my arms,” he said.

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Sir Tedrick von Teddlberg

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

I asked Charlie what he wanted to give Teddy for his birthday and he said, “Baby formula.” It’s the thought that counts.

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

I went to change Teddy on the other room and when I came back into the kitchen the freeze was open there trains in the ice drawer and Charlie was eating ice cream sandwiches.

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

This morning we were watching Kevin’s new video. Charlie loved it as expected.

C: “Kevin come my house?”
He noticed Kevin’s white electric guitar and said of his own acoustic guitar he was holding “This tar bad. Bird pooped on it. Need new tar.”
As we moved from the studio shot video to live shows, Charlie asked of the video girls “Where girls dancing? Like girls dancing.” Great.

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Tonight C & T went to see MJ play lacrosse. They loved it. C kept saying he was going to to “play men’s luqwoss college!” On the way home he also said “Play luqwoss Monday you sit on seats Teddy in stroller watch me play luqwoss. On Monday.” The he seemed to invent some lacrosse chips and when MJ asked him to describe them he said “After game eat chips. Put hand in bag take one chip put in mouth!”

Monday, July 26th, 2010

I have decided to be all Tipper Gore and ban rap with explicit lyrics for the time being after Charlie happily said “F*#%* cheese!” today. I told him he can’t say that and asked who told him that word and he said “Daddy.” I knew that wasn’t true but realized it was probably the CDs that have been in the car. I hope he doesn’t say that to anyone else.

Monday, July 26th, 2010

After taking C&T to Clemyjontre Park at about 7:30 am, C asked “Get haircut?” So i took them to the barber shop and T got his first haircut. He sat on my lap and had fun playing with the satiny cape. He did not complain at all. He got a certificate and the barber gave Charlie a quarter to get Skittles out of the little windy machine. They were thrilled.