Day 6 of MJ in France: We really miss M. And I really wish we were in France for Paul and Laurence’s wedding. I’m so sad not to be there…should have gone!!
We almost went to the ER today–Charlie sprayed sunscreen all over his face and in his mouth, telling me “Washing my hair!” but then turned sad when he realized his eyes were stinging and he couldn’t see “It’s dark!” Called Poison Control and they said go to the er if his eyes don’t stop being red after flushing them with water for 15 min (actually they told me to swaddle him and then have another adult flush his eye. Which other adult?)
Also today Charlie read to Huck and was excited to show her a picture of a dog in a book.
Teddy pretended to talk on the phone with a pair of sunglasses and I carry him around the house points to things he wants.
Luckily Bridget came over to distract them.