Archive for February, 2010

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

I love the way Charlie says “Cafe [caff-ayy]”. I especially liked tonight when he said “Charlie in a cafe, in a new cafe” even though he wasn’t in any cafe. He was in a bar, though for kids happy hour and he said “Charlie like bars.” Great.

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Huck and I have been working on a trick. I put out two closed fists, one with a treat inside. Huck has to use her paw to tap the hand with the treat. Now she has just gone straight to sitting next to me at dinner and tapping my hand at the table while I eat.

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Teddy, I like the way your kick your leg out when you nurse. I also like the way you lie on your tummy and peak out over the side of the crib.

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Yesterday Charlie was wagging a little toy at Teddy and Teddy was going crazy laughing. He coos with delight at any attention Charlie gives him.

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Today Isabella came over and was taking a nap on the sofa when i brought Charlie downstairs after his nap. I told him that she would play with him as soon as she woke up. He said “Wake up. Eyes open. Talks.” He totally explained to me in words what it is to be awake. I couldn’t have done a better job myself (I probably would have said something like “Um, awake is not sleeping.”)

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Everyday these two amaze me. Teddy with his good nature and off the charts cuteness and Charlie with the genius things he says, his huge vocabulary, his understanding of everything, and his sweet disposition. I love them.

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

T pushes up on his hands and knees and rocks to try to crawl. I’m excited for him, but let’s take this slow, Teddy. You are just a tiny baby.

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Saturday night as I was on my way out, Charlie said “Cute necklace.” I was only wearing earrings, but I knew what he meant. Thanks, Charlie. (He also said “Mommy big tummy. Teddy.” Thanks also for pointing out that I’m not back to my pre-pregnancy weight).

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

T os called Beary Beary (or Berry Berry, I suppose) and Baby Beary. C is Lovey Beary.

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Teddy and Charlie had fun hunting for valentine hearts I hid all over the house.