Archive for November, 2009

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

2 years, 27 1/2 lbs, 36 1/4″ long

3 months, 11 lbs 11 oz

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

C sings all the time and jumps around to his own beat. Likes the ABC song but also makes up lots of little songs. Today’s refrain was “Big helmet, big helmet.”

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

In addition to the two bunnies (he has had since he was about 6 months), the horse (he has had since he was 18 months), and the little dog (since 20 months), Charlie now also sleeps with a couple books, a blanket, and the football that Coach John gave him. Oh, and a couple nights this week he has added a paint brush.

Charlie got the football at his football and cupcakes birthday party in the park. I made 100 cupcakes (that looked like they were iced with toothpaste) and ordered 100 mini footballs (that looked like they were given out at a bank, except that the had Charlie’s picture on theme). Tag line: I scored at Charlie’s birthday party.

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

C says, “Charlie football man,” “Baby Pumpkin”. He likes to wear his football uniform on Halloween and after. He had fun at his Blue Igloo party (though he was afraid of Luis’ face paint), loved decorating the house with “gobwebs”, was a little afraid of “scary whitch” and “scary ghost”, was so excited to hand out candy and say “trick or treat”, and was up for a little trick or treating himself.